In this blog we’ll be focusing on setting up the necessary settings for running the Seller UI Application.
Go to the src\UI\Seller\src\assets\appConfigs\defaultadmin-test.json file.
Update the necessary values in the file.
Running the Seller UI Application
Open Visual Studio Code
From the terminal navigate to src\ui\Seller
Run the below command to install the dependencies of the project
npm install
Run the following command in the terminal to start the seller application after all dependencies have been successfully installed
npm run start
After running the previous command, wait for a few minutes.
The browser will open with the Seller UI login page.
Use the Initial Admin username and password obtained from the Seed request to log in to the Seller UI.
Upon successful login, you will be redirected to the Seller Admin page.
On our next blog we will be guiding you through the setup and execution of the Buyer UI application.